Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Monday, January 27, 2020
Friday, January 24, 2020
Fwd: 1/24 10-11. MATH
> Spent the entire hour focused and attentive, understanding and working in a one activity on simplifying and solving equations using GEMDAS.
> Grouping
> Exponentials
> multiplication
> division
> addition
> subtraction
> I worked with Tilden, who found it challenging & confusing, yet he worked consistently & intently trying to make sense of it. I sent him on a scheduled break before completing the activity
> Grouping
> Exponentials
> multiplication
> division
> addition
> subtraction
> I worked with Tilden, who found it challenging & confusing, yet he worked consistently & intently trying to make sense of it. I sent him on a scheduled break before completing the activity
1/24/20 9:38am
Tilden: I worked really hard, but it was a struggle because 'roots' & 'index' were new concepts. Also, I got a late start, 9:50 instead of 9:30.
(JG note:Granny's account, & typing this in her account this time, because the Chromebook is in Monroe today, and she's showing me how I'll be doing it next time.)
Blogging hourly school efforts
Tilden is struggling with not getting too distracted during structure school hours. It's not clear why. He has plenty of incentive to get things done yet he is repeatedly not getting things done and often has to repeat lessons because of poor quiz score (aka not understanding or retaining information.
In an effort to better understand what's needed I'm asking Tilden and granny to blog their thoughts at the end of each one hour of school. A screen capture of Tilden's portfolio (aka progress) and just a couple comments on what he felt he did well or struggled with. Or if there was a problem with environmental distractions, etc.
It's easy to blog:
Then go to the site below to see what I'll be auditing.
Let's give it a try!!!