My Homeschooling Goals

• Develop myself as an individual - pursuing my own interests - while being coached by my teachers.
• Learn open-mindedly from my travels and grow into a global citizen.
• Be healthy in mind, body and heart
• Ground myself to my Waldorf inspired foundations of “head, heart, and hands”
• Maintain or surpass public school grade level standards
• Easily meet entry standards of any university I want to attend.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Monster page 80-100

 As Steve was daydreaming about his old neighborhood, he thought about how horrible it was, homeless people had made cardboard homes on top of roofs, people got shot. So when he came back to reality, he was in his cell. He day dreamed of the time he was getting arrested, he was with his mother in the kitchen putting away groceries, then two detectives came and took Steve away. The next day Steve's lawyer was mad, she made Steve look bad, and that day was only going to be a half day. In the courtroom the detective was on the stand and said exactly what she did, step by step. When he got to his cell and chatted with his lawyer, he didn’t want her to leave, but in the end she did. As he was pondering his thoughts he thought that everyone in there was either thinking about getting hurt, hurting someone, sex, and how they got in.

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