Today I watched the Behavior of cats. The first one was if a cat wants food but doesn’t eat it, the cat just wants attention. Cats don’t bury their poop because of cleanliness, they bury their poop because they send sentinel marks through each poop. The reason why when you come home and your cat might roll in there belly is to say hello, not to pet their belly. If a cat is scratching, playing with a scratching post, or scratching something that shouldn’t be scratched, there is one of three reasons why, to get the dead layer off their claws. They might even want to burn calories, the last one is just to mark their territory so they leave a visual and Sentinel Mark. If you call your cat and it ignores you it is probably in a good place and doesn’t want to move, plus it doesn’t want to be touched. If you see a cat has an arched back, it’s not because it is aggressive, it is acting big to scare off bigger predators. Lastly, if a cat bites you in it causes bleeding or worse it is because they are showing aggression about an act that you did or they did.
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