Monday, August 16, 2021


 Today I watched 10 Turn jobs for math majors. The first one was a system engineer, a system engineer supervisors other engineers and see what he or her needs are and sees what system they are using, and if anything needs to change for what they’re working on. Secondly, as an aerospace engineer, Aerospace engineers see the final product of an aircraft to see if it matches with the engineering principles. Thirdly is a financial advisor, a financial advisor is pretty simple, it helps people to put the money in the safe, please help it grow, and if you’re planning trips, big purchases, and just all money matters in General. Fourthly, as an astronomer, astronomers study things that are out of our atmosphere, could be just the moon or Saturn or different galaxies or comments from far away. At Number five is an actuary, actuaries study and see how much the risk costs kind of like finance advisers but they are more diplomats in politics. Number six is a neuropsychologist, neuropsychologist study the brain and how it functions and how to explore more with the brain. Seventh is a physicist, physicist study the basic research of elements and machines, what they do is get a basic thing like laser and either make it more efficient or deadly. At number eight is a cryptographer, a quick target store is somebody who updates security programs or try and hack programs that they made and improve on that. Second to last is a data scientist, a data scientist gets chunks of data from companies or just random people and simplifies it to make sense of it for other people. Lastly is a information research scientist, Who creates new technology or influence on old technology.

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