My Homeschooling Goals

• Develop myself as an individual - pursuing my own interests - while being coached by my teachers.
• Learn open-mindedly from my travels and grow into a global citizen.
• Be healthy in mind, body and heart
• Ground myself to my Waldorf inspired foundations of “head, heart, and hands”
• Maintain or surpass public school grade level standards
• Easily meet entry standards of any university I want to attend.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Biology of roatan

 Today I was allowed to do my video on someone getting travel vaccinates. It started for with him telling us watch he was getting and where he was going to travel to. When he got to the vaccination place the nurses give him some typhoid pills, a yellow fever injection, tetanus, and a flu shot which was $500 in total. They also gave him a yellow card because some places won’t allow you to fly to there county without certain vaccines or sometimes pills. 

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