My Homeschooling Goals

• Develop myself as an individual - pursuing my own interests - while being coached by my teachers.
• Learn open-mindedly from my travels and grow into a global citizen.
• Be healthy in mind, body and heart
• Ground myself to my Waldorf inspired foundations of “head, heart, and hands”
• Maintain or surpass public school grade level standards
• Easily meet entry standards of any university I want to attend.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Mission unstoppable

Wasn’t much of this episode unstoppable. I love how you communicate with robots, Who makes toys, how squids work, and a magic trick. What happens is you send a bunch of images or videos of people doing something in the robot and will learn how to do that action. Secondly when squids are born they look for a certain bacteria, and when they find that. They bond with it and grow. Thirdly, I learned our brains one are lazy by doing a magic trick. 

Sent from my iPad

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