16 year old Steve Harmon was in jail, for murder. He was so lonely and scared that he thought of making a movie, a movie of what his prosecutor called him, “Monster”. In the courtroom his lawyer, Ms. O'Brian was telling him to sit straight and take it seriously, so the judge knows that he is taking it seriously. When the judge got to his seat, he checked to see if everyone was ready and said "all rise". As the jurors started to take their seats, Steve said something about the juror and how they went the good to O'Brian and she replied with "that's all we got". From the doors a woman, named Pretrocelli, entered the room and said that she was a district attorney for New York, how we are people in this country and we make mistakes, but then ended by saying that James King is the person that entered the drugstore and shot the clerk, when she was done Ms. O'Brian looked at a notebook that Steve was writing in about the movie and crossed out all the "monsters" and said that the only way to win is to believe in yourself. As the Trial went on the district attorney said that a medical examiner will testify. They even talk about how Steve is innocent, and not how James KIng is guilty.
The next day in the courtroom they brought in someone named Jose went on stand to testify. Jose was one of the drugstore workers and he was off shift and went to the movies. When he returned to his shift he saw that his co-worker was dead on the floor and five cigarette cartons were missing. When Jose was stepping down, Petrocelli called in another person named Zinzi. Petrocelli asked Zinzi many questions and he basically said that he was buying stolen baseball cards and two packs of cigarettes, and how someone named Bolden was the one that sold them. Zinzi also said that he called a detective and told him what he knew about the robbery to get a break. While Zinzi was on the stand and didn't have the movie he would go crazy. The next day Bolden was on the stand, Petrocelli asked who was the one that robbed the store and Bolden said Bobo Evans. Then he had a flashback on when Steve and James King were on some steps on a street and how they were talking about how the government was taking money so you could never get money. They also talked about how the only way to get money was from restaurants and drugstores.
That night, like any other night the guards took away most of your stuff so you can't kill yourself like shoe laces. While Steve was in his cell pondering around in his thoughts, he thought about how he was never involved in the case. The lawyers and the judge are the ones that talk, not him. He also remembered how Ms. O'Brian said that Petrocelli was trying to get criminals and trying to get the judge to compare him with the criminals. When he got to the courtroom a detective was on the stand. Petrocelli asked the detective about the scene and she gave them pictures of the crime scene. When that was done Petrocelli started asking questions and making it seem like the people that were on stand were not being totally honest.
The next day when Steve was talking to his lawyer, his cell mate starts crying and then Steve starts crying too. When he was done crying Steve and his lawyer kept talking about the case and trying to lighten the penalty. When they were done they went to the courthouse and settled in. When the court case started a policeman was on the stand this time and talked about the crime scene. The court case kept going on, when the policeman stepped down they brought a criminal that had robbed a different drugstore.
As Steve was daydreaming about his old neighborhood, he remembered how horrible it was, homeless people had made cardboard homes on top of roofs, people got shot. So when he came back to reality, he was in his cell. He day dreamed of the time he was getting arrested while he was with his mother in the kitchen putting away groceries, then two detectives came and took Steve away. The next day Steve's lawyer was mad, the other lawyers made Steve look bad the day before, and that day was only going to be a half day. In the courtroom the detective was on the stand and said exactly what she did, step by step, looking at the crime scene. When Steve got back to his cell and chatted with his lawyer. He didn’t want her to leave, but in the end she did. As he was pondering his situation, he thought that everyone in there was either thinking about getting hurt, hurting someone, sex, or how they got in.
The next day Steve and his lawyer were talking about the last court case and how it went. They also talked about what they should do for that day's court case. James King's cousin Moore was on the stand. Petrocelli asked questions like, when was the last time you saw James, do you know him or do you like him. Then it was James Kings lawyers turn and she asked somewhat of the same questions. Lastly it was Ms. O'Brians turn and she asked questions that made it look like James and Steve look different in the eyes of the court. When Moore stepped down and someone named Nipping(James' best friend) got on stand, they asked him if he ever saw James use his right hand or if he ever shot anyone and the answer was once. The next day Steve and James were on stand.
After the weekend the court case was coming to an end and it was going to be different for everyone. Usually you would talk to the judge, but today the lawyer got to plead to the Juries. Jame's lawyer said that Bobo was just pointing fingers and the other person in the store was just in shock and they should say not guilty. Then it was O'Brians turn, she said that the only evidence was the word of a Criminal and other evidence says that he is innocent. Then it was Petrocelli turn and all she said was all the evidence that they had collected.
That day the jury and judge were talking. When a guard came and took James away, because the jury deemed him guilty. Then Steve got scared because he thought they were going to take him away, but they didn't so he was relieved. When the court deemed him not guilty and when he was free to go, he ran to his parents and was so relieved that the jury made the right decision. About a year later, after the his mother always loved to do anything with him, but his father grew distant from Steve because he didn't know who his son was.
In these summaries I learned that it was mostly for interest. but there were others like racism when he was brought in because he was a friend of James but mostly because he was black. There was how the people in jail were treated, horribly.
Lastly of the authors in intentions was the gratitude of the court when they arrested the criminal and freed the incident.
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