My Homeschooling Goals

• Develop myself as an individual - pursuing my own interests - while being coached by my teachers.
• Learn open-mindedly from my travels and grow into a global citizen.
• Be healthy in mind, body and heart
• Ground myself to my Waldorf inspired foundations of “head, heart, and hands”
• Maintain or surpass public school grade level standards
• Easily meet entry standards of any university I want to attend.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

School day 2/18

Good morning! Today's work is shared in your weekly plan. Read chapter 14 today. We will try to get through the next lecture for Social Studies

NOTE 1: Again... Please act with honor and kindness. Our family happiness depends on how we treat one another.

NOTE 2: from now on.... There will be NO chore checks before 4:00. When you get to the point where your chores are always done perfectly then we can discuss playtime before 4:00. Earn it. 😁

NOTE 3: today check each other's chores before 3:00

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