My Homeschooling Goals

• Develop myself as an individual - pursuing my own interests - while being coached by my teachers.
• Learn open-mindedly from my travels and grow into a global citizen.
• Be healthy in mind, body and heart
• Ground myself to my Waldorf inspired foundations of “head, heart, and hands”
• Maintain or surpass public school grade level standards
• Easily meet entry standards of any university I want to attend.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Where the red Fern grows Chapter 13

Once the coon had ran into the tree it had pulled a trick. Little Ann knew that so she didn't bark at the tree. Once they found the old mischievous coon the hounds started having at him. It wasn't long till the old coon had treed himself, and Billy climbed the tree. Upon arriving at the top of the tree he heard a sound he had heard before but didn't like, the sound of a coon knowing it was the end of his life. He climbed down because he didn't have the strength to do it. Then, out of nowhere Rubin's hound came. It started circling old Dan, then started to fight. That got Rubin hyped up and started to fight Billy. When the boy saw that his dog was getting killed he got Billy's ax and was going to kill old Dan and little Ann. But in the nick of time he saved his pups, but at a cost, Rubin got an ax lodged in his back. When Rubin asked Billy to dislodge the ax the last glimpse of life in his eyes vanished. As the dead body, an nearly dead hound, and the ghost coon in a tree he ran home. That night Billy told his parents everything and didn't leave a detail out, as his mother wept, his father got his coat and hat and started to leave. Billy asked why and his father replied with, "I have to go get your grandpa because he's the only person that can legally drag a body in the Country and go talk to the boy's parents". A few hours later his father returned and told Billy everything. After that Billy went to his mother and said, "the ax is too dangerous so I will save up a couple hide to buy a gun". His mother in shock said no and he went to his room, when he got to his room he lied in bed and thought of something to help. When he looked to his right he saw some flowers that his sister made for him, with the only thought he took them. When he got to the boy's grave he placed the flowers and left

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